Application Reports

Use of hermetic centrifugal pumps in various industries

Application report Windkraft

Canned motor pumps for cooling inverters in wind turbines

During the operation of inverters and transformers, high heat emissions develop that must be dissipated to allow continuous operation. Due to the high demands of wind turbines, refrigeration systems with canned motor pumps from HERMETIC ... Read more

Application report Sportanlagen

Canned motor pumps for sport facilities

Many winter sports facilities, such as luge tracks, figure skating arenas or even indoor ski and snowboard centres require operating temperatures below 0 °C. CO2 / NH3 cascade systems are often used for this purpose ... Read more

Application report Backwaren

Spaltrohrmotorpumpen für Tiefkühlung von Backwaren

Zur Temperaturabsenkung bei Teigwaren werden häufig Scherbeneisbereiter oder alternativ Eiswasser verwendet wie beispielsweise beim Knetvorgang in Bäckereien. Der durch den Knetvorgang in den Teig eingebrachte Erwärmung wird hierdurch en ... Read more

Application report Chemie

HERMETIC canned motor pumps for ammonia applications

Hermetically sealed, low-maintenance pumps that are suitable for extreme applications and hazardous liquids are the core competence of HERMETIC-Pumpen GmbH. With its CAMT and CNF series, the canned motor pump specialist provides safe and ... Read more

Application report Chemie

Canned Motor Pumps for Methanol Applications

The methanol processing market plays a significant role in the global chemical industry and shows steady growth. Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol, is produced from fossil fuels such as natural gas or coal and increasingly from rene ... Read more

Application report Chemie

Canned Motor Pumps for TDI Applications

TDI (Toluene-2.4-DiIsocyanate) is an important intermediate product for the manufacture of adhesives and foams for mattresses and upholstery (such as car seats), polyurethanes (such as shoe soles), elastomers, coatings and high-quality p ... Read more